Outer calmness is the reflection of inner awareness

Allah swt wishes to make diamonds of us

Allah swt wishes to make diamonds of us

Just like a good teacher, to teach his children will give them work to do and complete, in a similar way Allah(swt) gives those he loves tests in their life.

And the good teacher would make sure that the questions are not too easy for his students to do, because if the questions were easy, then the students would get bored, they would think that the teacher does not really know them, or understand them and they would become off task.

And the good teacher would also make sure the questions are not too difficult, for this would discourage his pupils and they would stop trying and would stop attempting them or paying attention

Rather the good teacher sets his questions beyond the level of the students, but within their capability and grasp. He would stretch his students just enough. He would challenge them just enough to build them and empower them to do better. He would know how much to stretch his students, what is within their capability, and what is not.

This is like the tests that Allah(swt) sets, the tests each person faces, Allah(swt) knows that they are within your capability and within your grasp, yet, each test is not easy, but is there to build you, to make you a better person, to get you closer to Allah(swt)

Just as a piece of coal takes millions of years of pressure, millions of years of heat, and only after that the worthless piece of coal that was within the ground, would become a diamond, shining for all to see and for all to appreciate, in the same way, Allah(swt) who loves us sooooo much wishes for us to become diamonds. This is why we face his tests, that is why we face difficulties in life and go through turbulent times.

Allah(swt) wishes for us also to be diamonds

iA we will become better people, we will become like diamonds that shine bright, that are close to Allah(swt) following his wishes and commands and loving Allah(swt)

1 Comment »

  1. AssalaamuAlaikum

    thank you so much for the blog
    i enjoyed reading it and i pray that we will become diamonds that will shine and give light to others

    thanks again

    Comment by afreen — November 10, 2008 @ 11:53 am | Reply

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